
Wish List

I'm finally switching to either Telus or Rogers from Virgin Mobile. I currently have a Samsung 640 and it's... meh, I grew slightly attached to it since I've had it for like 3 years now. But it's pretty bad. (Well, we DID buy it for free with Shoppers points and it was one of those crappy packaged ones..) I'm fine with the thing itself. It's just the provider. Virgin Mobile is a complete rip off, especially for pay as you go. I absolutely hate it, and I swear, it leaks money too. And my dad's been noticing that so he decided to switch to something better.

So! Here are few choices I picked out from the Telus and Rogers websites =D I'll have to go and see the actual thing and whatnot though. I plan to do that sometime this week woo!

Samsung Instinct ...mm touchscreen.

Samsung Gravity. Woot QWERTY key.

LG TU515.. I guess it's slightly crappy but I mean..
ahah it's good enough for me :P

LG Shine.. I'm so dissapointed with this one.
I LOVE it so much but when I went to check out the actual thing once,
it's alot bigger than I thought..
the model is so perfect though dammit.

My dad likes this one.
LG Dare. Woo touchscreen again. Shmexy!

Gah, I really wish I could use my Japanese cellphone here. au by KDDI W61SH... it's SO great. I wish I got SoftBank so I could've somehow got it working here as well =C It's horrible, having this pretty damn new and gorgeous cell YET NOT BEING ABLE TO USE IT. WAHHH.

I have the white onee. =C

Anyawys, that's it about cellphones. Now, you know what else I want? This is pretty damn random, beware! SAILOR. MOON. ITEMS. LOLOLOL. I'm somehow extremely attracted to its girly shininess atm... I want something so bad! Especially the Holy Grail thing, except I can't find it anywhere online ;_; Bwahah.

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