
Upcoming Summer Survey


1.Dye your hair?
Oh probably [;

2.Get a tan, or burn?
Tan, and look horrible.

3.Go on vacation/trip?
Most likely not, but maybe somewhere near.

4.Go camping?
I think Sab and I should :]

5.Plant flowers?
...Can I plant hairbrushes instead.

6.Play in the sprinkler?
Now that I know Sabrina has one.. yes!

7.Have your license?
No =__=

8.Have a bonfire?
Most likely.

9.Have a job?
I'd try, but won't.

10.Go on any road trips?
No unless someone goes with family and invites me.

11.Spend your money or save it?
Aiming for half and half.

14.Do anything you’ve never done before?
Most likely.

15.First day of summer, what will you be doing?
Daily routine, maybe hanging out or something.

16.Who will you spend the most time with?
Sabrina. Hoping I'll get to see more of Scott and Nikky too.

17.Do you have any major plans with a friend?
Cold play concert with Sabrina!!

19.What will you take the most pictures of?
Camwhore times.

20.Anyone you can’t wait to get away from?
Pretty away from most people already hahah.

22.Will you get into a fight with a friend?
I hope not =[

23.Rekindle a lost friendship?
Maybe, but meh I'm sick of trying.

24.Will you more likely be at the beach, pool, or lake?

25.If you won a trip to hawaii and could take only 5 friends, who would they be?
Sabrina, Nikky, Alex, Scott, Lee.

26.Do you think you will meet a new crush?
I hope not, I guess ahah.

27.Will you eat well or pig out?
I'm going to try for healthy.

28.Anything you’re not looking forward to?
After Summer vacation...

Summer Questions.

1. Favorite food on the bbq:
Teh hot dogs :]

2. Favorite summer drink:
Iced tea.

3. What do you look forward to when summer comes?
Much hanging out :]

4. Do you join any sports?

5. Would you rather it be winter?
Hmm, not really!

6. How many times will you hit the beach?
Probably a few times. Or more.

7. How many BBQ's do you have?
Almost never :[

8. What time do you go to bed in the summer?
Hopefully I won't kill my sleeping cycle.

9. Do you go camping?

This or that?

10. Flip flops or shoes?
Shoes but if it's too hot, flip flops.

11. River or pool?

12. Bug bite or sunburn?
That's hard!! Sunburn.

14. Hit the clubs or BBQ?

16. Hang out with friends or family?

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