
Pro Popper Popcorn

Do. NOT. Buy those things. They're HORRIBLE!! So Sabrina had it in her house before, but you need the 'Pro Popper' machine thing (one of those old school popcorn pan thingies) so. What a rip off. You get that, you need to get the pan thing as well. So her mom eventually did, and we tried making one today.

In the making of. LOL Sabrina patiently listening for pops.

The butter attached to it is. So. Gross. Bwahahah. And guess how many calories? Typically 700. SEVEN HUNDRED. Anyways, it was made alright I guess. But the color actually looked slightly green and it tasted like shit bahahah. x_x This is the Pro Popper Popcorn's fate;

That's gonna be freakin gross in the morning ROFL.

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