

Unfortunately, that's not me. X[ but i AM planning to get my helix done for the second time soon because it's almost 8 monthes since I got my first one done. (Healing progress complete! Or almost.) I can't wait! =D

I think that's ^ what mine would look more like, placement-wise. Also, I really REALLY like rook piercings too. Except that would be SO painful. And hard to look after too because it would be such an awkward place to clean.. but anyways, I really like how it looks with the barbell, or those barbells with spiked tips. VV

2 [comments]:

ki11i4n said...

hey, whats your interpals? and please post with things to criticize on adwal, im out of ideas:(

SaoriJade said...

Heey,my interpals is Seaoreo.

And man yeah, I love your rants TONS xD
You should post more often!!
I say you do the next one about Twilight hahah.

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