
Bambi's Birthday!

Today my dog Bambi turned 4! =3 So young, but so old. (30+ human age) Ahah, he's still such a puppy though. Here's what he and my mom did to celebrate lol!

Splashed some with his favorite bath fishy toy =3

Had a huge chewy thing (is it a bone?? What are those things anyways..?)

Napped with his new toy my mom made (out of my old sweater lol) in the sun xD

This actually wasn't taken today but it was cute so I decided to post anyways =P

He also had some chicken for his dinner tonight, and he was extremely excited/enjoyed it bahah. He got a little toy thing from my dad too. Yeah okay, fine I didn't get him anything really (broke.) but I GIVE HIM MY LOVE! =D Anyways. As for me..

I went to visit the school. ME IN A CLASSROOM OMGZ.

A raisins n' peacan nuts art Sabrina did.
It's funny cause it actually looks like someone I know LOL.

Then Sabrina and I went to hang out at a park. It was a little cold but really nice =)

3 [comments]:

Adria said...

Awww! My dog is turning 4 this year too!

sudan said...

sorry i'm late...
happy birthday to your little doggy~~

SaoriJade said...

Thanks on his behalf xD

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