
5o Secrets

So currently I have nothing to blog about, though I AM going to hang out with some people today and tonight, so I'll have pictures to post up later. But I'm probably going to be too tired when I get home so in case I don't post anything today, I'm just going to ... post a temporary lame fill-in. Ahah. SURVEYTIME. I'll add a little picture too. they're pictures I found from my old albums, and it was in Caohagan, Phillipines.

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50 Secrets about yourself.
Be honest no matter what.

[ 1 ] Have you ever been asked out?

[ 2 ] Where is your default picture taken
Blogger: My Room.
Facebook: Richmond.
Twitter: At my desk.
Nexopia: Living room.

[ 3 ] What's your actual last name?

[ 4 ] What's important in a relationship?
Affection, communication, comfort.

[ 5 ] Does your crush like you back?
Yeahh :] Heh, 'crush'.

[ 6 ] What is your current mood?

[ 7 ] what color of underwear are you wearing?
Black. I'm so lame lol.

[ 8 ] What color shirt are you wearing?
Black.. damn! I swear, I rarely even wear black lately.

[ 9 ] If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
Nothing honestly. But I'd go back in time just to re-expirience it.

[ 10 ] If you must be an animal for one day, what?
A platypus. Sexiest mammal EVER.

[ 11 ] Ever had a near death experience?
Who knows.

[ 12 ] Something you do a lot?

Talk to myself when I'm alone lol. ><

[ 13 ] The song stuck in your head?
I just want back in your head ♫ LOL out of any songs!!

[ 14 ] Name someone with the same birthday as YOU?
My assistant teacher person through grade 4-7. Ashley. Paul Walker.

[ 15 ] When was the last time you cried?
I think about a month ago.

[ 17 ] If you could have one super power what would it be?
Power to control time >:]

[ 18 ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their attitude/vibe.

[ 19 ] What do you usually order from starbucks?
Chai tea latte or London fog.

[ 20 ] Whats your biggest secret?
I'm an leprichaun trapped in a girl's body.

[ 21 ] Favorite color?
Blue, green, indian red, white.

[ 22 ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
Awe, sometimes Fairy Odd Parents and Sponge Bob lololol.

[ 23 ] Who are you?

24 ] Do you speak any other language?
Japanese. Attempted French and German, miserablly failed.

[ 25 ] What's your favorite smell?

[ 26 ] Describe your life in one word, what would it be?

[ 27 ] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Yeah. But I'm not a romantist on that one so.. meh.

[ 28 ] What are you thinking about right now?
An surprise answer for this question. Raining jellyfish.

[ 29 ] What should you be doing?
Showering, I guess. I'll get to it after.

[ 30 ] Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
A friend. Meh.

[ 31 ] How often do you talk to God?
I'm chillin with him right now dude.

[ 32 ] Do you like working in the yard?
I never have bahah.

[ 33 ] Do you act differently around the person you like?
Hrmm, I try not to. But maybe partially.

[ 34 ] What is your natural hair color?
Natural black.

[ 35 ] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Sabrina, or Scott on MSN.

[ 36 ] Do you think life is fair?

[ 37 ] Do you believe someone can be faithful to you?

[ 38 ] Are you upset/mad about anyone?
Kinda, but not really.

[ 39 ] Are you excited about anything?
Woo, shopping today and beaching to night! Lee-ing tomorrow!

[ 40 ] Would you like to be friends with any of your exes?
One of them, defs.

[ 41 ] And why?
We WERE best friends up till like grade 8 or 9. So.

[ 42 ] Do you think all guys are players?
Er, no.

[ 43 ] Getting a haircut?
Need to.

[ 44 ] Know any true friends?
For sure.

[ 45 ] What grade are you in?
Eleventeen. Wait, no nevermind. Ten? You know what, IDK.

[ 46 ] Excited for next year?

[ 47 ] Do you think your going to be asked out this year or next?
Who knows. (Probably not lol.)

[ 48 ] What do you hate in the opposite sex?
If they're.. predictably MALE guys, that gets boring.

[ 49 ] Do you think confidence and morals are sexy for the opposite sex?

[ 50 ] Before you leave, write down the lyrics of a song that will end this survey.

1 [comments]:

.{a}...❤ said...

"[ 20 ] Whats your biggest secret?
I'm an leprichaun trapped in a girl's body."
lol! love that one! ^*^

and wow.love the second pic :3 its so cute!

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