

Oh boy, yes! Another hair related post! Yes, I know agh jeeze right, but this is COMPLETELY necessary I tell you! Check this out, it's awesome and freekin adorable!!!!

Tomato heaaad!! Freshly picked :3 Heheh, it's such a cute idea and it's PERFECTLY done, there isn't a hair or color out of place! Hehe what do you think?

3 [comments]:

.{a}...❤ said...

wow! that is so cute *u* and perfectly done =3 i want people to come up with more stuff like this! ^_^

SaoriJade said...

I know!!
If I ever see someone walking with awesome hair like this,
they'd instantly be my hero. *>u<*

LazyKing said...

haha this is funny and original

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