
Text Art

Wicked cool, I just discovered a website that turns pictures and images into colored fonts. It's really neat ahah I didn't know it existed till now x) HOW TO: Go to TEXT-IMAGE.com and "convert" I don't really know the differences between HTML, ASCII, and Matrix but I used HTML. And just "Browse" for a pic, convert it. Then when you get the result, right click the part with the text image, go to "View Source" and copy and paste from "image begins here" to "image ends here" (Best to just copy and paste the whole thing, then delete the top/bottom part that you don't need later.) Or if it doesn't work (Mine got messed up here) just screenshot and make it into an image. Here's one I did :D

Original image


1 [comments]:

sudan said...

it's awesome!
thx for sharing ^^.

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