
More Shopping

Wow so much style category posts lately.. hahah, I swear this is the last for a while! Going shopping and coming back satisfied two days in a row should last for the next few monthes hahah. Me and my friends hit Granville yesterday, it was and epic funtime. We all got stuff, then we went to Granville Island and candytimed, then watchedthis street performance with flame juggling and escaping from straitjacket/chains, and lots and lots of comedy. That guy was great, except unfortunately I didn't catch his name :[ I have a vid of parts of the performance though, so if ya wanna see, they're at the bottom of this post :P

Da cool kids. From left to right, Sea Alex Nikky.

Skillz of tying her shoe and posing.

Gawjizz Alex.

Heheh, awe.

Awee look at herrrr!

LOL I HAD TO. She wasn't actually pointing at anything hahah.

Kissy kissy.

BFF shot!


Niikey and her classic pose.

Key cover thingies I got at Urban Outfitters for $8! FREEKIN LOVE THEM.

Invaders shirt that's way huge but it was necessary.
Cherry Bomb (is it the same as Bang-On?) $10.

Minnie mouse shirt :3 H&M $19 heheh spendy but I couldn't resist. Reason:

This is the back XD

Street performer 1/3: Flame juggling

Street performer 2/3: Escaping from chains

Street performer 3/3: Escaping from straitjacket

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