
Laser Cat

Sorry, yeah for the past few days I've got nothing to blog since I've just been stuck in the house and whatnot. I'm getting much better though, just having the annoying nasal congestions and the ear plugged-ness. I should find something interesting to post up soon... I'm going to a movie this weekend though so I'll definately update funtime then :D

5 [comments]:

sudan said...

wow~ what are you going to watch ?
anyway, have a nice weekend ^^.

SaoriJade said...

I'm planning to go watch "Tokyo!"
Have you heard of it?
It looks ah-mazing :]

I have a post about it right... here:

Louise said...

laser cat??? from TLI?? ooh wow! x3 oh, anyway, HIII! XD

SaoriJade said...

Woot, awesome you like them too XD
Andy Samberg ftw!!

Louise said...

Andy Samberg looooove! X3

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