
Lame Post

I actually have nothing to update on, so this is going to be a lame lame lame post hahah. Actually, I went out from the morning today, grabbed lunch with a friend, and actually visited the school here for one class. But unfortunately I didn't take pics or anything though.. so... oh except one. I CAN'T make a blog post without any pictures! :0

on my way home lol.. the weather is great atm.

Random fact time! this is crazy! So I put on a fake tattoo (one of those ones you get to stick with water) a loong time ago, and guess what. It's actually lasted one whole month.

It's barely faded too.. crazy. Ahah makes me want a real one even more x]

Well, that's about it. I'll do something interesting tomorrow, maybe so I can actually post about something people would pay attention to hahah.

1 [comments]:

.{a}...❤ said...

wow. your foot is suprisingly not ugly ...( lol. was that weird?) anyways, i like ur blog! ^_^

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