
Rainy Day

Arg, it's very rainy today.. It's supposed to be sunny by the weekend, but I kind of doubt that.. Plus, it's very cold outside right now. Anywho, me and my friend made totally last minute plans to go a couple of cities over today. It's nifty cause he lives right beside the building I live in. I bought a white tanktop, which I shall use for my new Interstella 5555 shirt print ;) It'll be up here soon.

Probaply the only good non-entirely-crap qualitied photo of the day.
He mai friend. He Jordan, ja.

Hahah, pathetic inspirations on a bus... that's a FAIL.

Jordan needs to smile more.

There are a few more photos I took on Jordan's SLR, so I might post some more later if there's any good ones. But so far those are the only ones I have haha.

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