
Project Runway Canada

I've been watching the episodes every week, it's quite entertaining =) My favorite designer is Sunny, but Jessica Biffi definately has the best personality. She reminds me someone I know actually! X] Anyways, last night's episode was pretty damn creative, the contestants had to make a dress out of POST-ITs. I felt completely bad for the person who had to leave.. I don't know if it's fair cause I mean.. come on, POST ITS. =[ Anyways, they were really neat, all of the pieces. I can't find a pic right now though =[ But there was this commercial, where you can design your own stuff online, post-it as a sponser.. (or are they actually starting a clothing line..?) Either way, it's pretty neat and you get to have fun and enter to win a $5000 shopping spree. (Obviously i wont win, but the thing is actually quite fun!) You can enter/play at http://www.designitwithpostit.ca/diwp/

Hahah, the ones I messed around with X] yay

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