
Valentines Hangout

As I mentioned a tad ago, I celebrated with my best buddy :] Sleepover, pizza, ice cream, chocolate, chips, blanketland (We decided to gather a shitload of blankies and put it in front of the tv. It was comfy! ..But eventually flattened so my back kinda hurts lol) It was goooood W00T. Hurray for spending Valentines with someone you actually love :3 *GWEEEE*


Buddy's cat, Muffin.

I personally like this one :)



Our blanketland. You can't see cause it's stacked though :P


Bahahahah, our meal.
Story: We baked the pizza, cut the pizza...
was too lazy to cut it in pieces so was like LETS JUST EAT IT LIKE THIS.
Btw, I finished the whole thing yay :]
(Hey, rising crust type is reeeaaally heavy.)

Cliche, but fun.


Mink chocolates. It was yummy :D

Kee Teeee

Praise uneditted colors.

Exit out.

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