

I went on a Friday pre-valentines date with Nikky. (OH NO FRIDAY THE 13TH. LOL I like how it was one of the happiest times. IRONY!) Man, I'm somehow stocked up on energy. Tomorrow I'll be going over to my best friends for a backyard camping sleepover. Wish me luck because our only heat source is body heat and blankets! LOTS AND LOTS OF EM! Oh yeah, I'm too tired to edit all the pictures so they're pretty much left uneditted except for some. (sorry ahah) Enjoy.


Happy Pre-Vday!


Cheek fight! It was actually quite intense lol

Nikky was in this too, but I'm not sure if she was okay with putting it up online lol

Nikky takes good pictures of me.

Poko Peko

tee hee


Best pic EVAR.

Back at my house for some web cam fun.

Poko love.

More poko looove.

Happy times.

You can see my streak that I've been working on there.

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