
Red Comet

Out of season Christmas color!
(I remember suiting this better when I was bleached blonde..
So. Appearently. The classic red nails go well with light color hair.)
Maybelline New York Express Finish advanced wear in 180 Red Comet.

I only put one coat because I don't like how dark it gets after one.
It gets a bit more... Madame like rather than cute hahah.
(Which no, I do not suit with my stubby guitar nails.)

Pro: It DOES dry quite fast
Con: it chips really really easily.

2 [comments]:

Anonymous said...

hey!! sry for the late comment =P
thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!!

oh my gosh, you look soooo much older than your age.
whereabouts in canada do you live in?
I just completed my college apps for canada :D

anyways, ill be back.
cya & tc

SaoriJade said...

LOL. I get that alot lately for some reason!!!

I live close to Vancouver :]
Ooo, collage apps
I'm not too specific about that but where didja apply?

Hope you'll visit soon again :D

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