

Slightly heavy stuff. I tend to linger on things that occured in the past rather than focus on the present. And that's the only thing I know so far that triggers my emotions as much. To sound over-dramatic, I decided I'm ready to move on from those stuf, changes, etc. I keep alot of junk in this 'top secret box' I have, to keep something from a memory and whatnot. And so I decided to get rid of stuff that I really don't have a reason to keep any more. Most consisting letters/notes, drawings, and photographs. It did trigger my emotions, I did cry during the process, but not because I was sad. Well, I was but I realisedthat I was actually moving on knowing I won't regret it. :) So I cried it off and now I feel alot lighter at heart. Anywho during the process of rampaging through my box, I found a couple of fun things and wanted to take pictures before I got rid of them. Look what I found!

I used to be obsessed with the playboy bunny back in elementary
(as wrong as that is. I had tons of accesorries with the bunny.. and poster)

Crystal image ring. All the beads stuff are handmade btw.

Leaves and teardrop

Initial mortif.. I remember I blogged this sometime before
and there was a comment from a girl saying that
that was nothing, that she was in gr 4 and was able to do better LOL.
I have NO idea what that was about.. I personally like this though ahah

Medal like necklace


Soft water like

I used them as thumb rings usually


LOL I swear this is the last one. I had more but meh.
This one is actually pretty big by the way, bling bling.

Actually, this is handmade envelope/stickers for my best friends birthday.
I'll post the pic of the card after I give it to her :P

Mister shroom!


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