
Urban Outfitters

Why must they have all these stuff that are just purely awesome but you just know that you'd only wanna be super attached to it for a day or so?! (Oh yeah, not to mention me and my friend actually had episode where we bought a neat book from there, those ones where you get to chose the answers and then it tells you which page to go to. We had the book for about 3 hours or something like that then suddenly realised that that was a waste of money and went to return it LOL.) I've browsed their website and here's some of the OMG I WANT THAT FOR 5 MINS stuff hahahah! Click on the images to go actually browse on the product at UrbanOutfitters.com.

#1: Hamburger Phone

Appearently as seen on Juno (though honestly, I absolutely hated the damn film and had no idea why it got to be so 'amazing') It's such a cute decoration ahah!

#2: Finger Drums

If this actually works soundwise, MAN I WANNA TRY IT!

#3: Lomography Lubitel 166+ Twin Lens Camera

Okay, so, it's quite damn spendy and possibly not worth buying from a clothing store, but hands down it's overall neat. I mean the photo taken with that thing is actually pretty cool (the very bottom pic on the product website)

#4: Frozen Smiles

Slightly creepy, yet SO CUTE hahahah!

Yeah, I wish I put all these up before christmas time because UrbanOutfitters.com is officially one of the best gift buying places I've ever come across. A bit over priced maybe, but still, my god so much variety!!!!

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