
In The Spirit of Halloween

Are you going Trick-or-Treating this year?
Maybe like one house, but it feels to emberassing to go TRICK OR TREAT! at someones door now that I'm older..

At what age do you think one should stop Trick-or-Treating?
Never! (K, 20.) It's so fun, and when you stop you can never go baack! I wish I could!

Last year, what was your costume (if you dressed up)?
I didn't really dress up but just for the sake of Halloween I wore pajama bottoms that glowed in the dark with cookie patterns, a santa hatted Jack Skellington hat, and a dressy looking jacket. Not sure what I was supposed to be exactly hahah.

Do you remember what you wore on your first Halloween?
I think it was at my kindergarden, and I was a red bird. Wierd child lol.

Would you rather dress in something scary, or something cute?
Cute but I'd like to go for the scary next time :]

Do you ever wear your costume(s) on days other than Halloween?
Pre costume try-on. Hahah.

Do you make your own costumes, or buy them at the store?
I wanted to make one this year but got lazy and ended up buying.

If you have made one, what was it?
Oh my mom made me that red bird thing. Ahah.

When do you start getting into the Halloween spirit?
One month earlier hahah.

Do you decorate your house?
Just a little window decoration at the most.

Have you ever been to a pumpkin patch?
Uhmm I think so, I've driven by tons but I never really go there.

If Halloween is on a school night, do you miss school the next day?
If I'm extremely tired I used to miss the morning, it's amazing it actually landed on a Friday this year hey?

Do you ever eat all your candy?
I never really used to, the bad ones I just gave away or storaged it, letting it rot for the next 5 years. Yum.

Or does most of it go to waste?
Waste. I'm sorry!

Who hands out the candy in your family, if anyone?
I live in an apartment, so no one. Ahah would be interesting to go trick or treating door to door inside the apt..

Have you ever been grounded on Halloween night?
Not that I can remember of. That would be a bummer.

Did you still get to go out, or did you have to stay home?
N/A. But if I was ever grounded I think I'd have to stay home.

What's your favorite candy?
I used to love mint patties. And those little chocolate penut ball things.

What kind(s) of candy do you NOT like to receive?
The really bad ones that are either seriously cheapo or just too sweet.

What kind(s) of candy do you hand out (if you do)?
N/A. But if I got to, I'd hand out decent ones.

How many pieces do you give to each Trick-or-Treater?
N/A. If I did probaply depends on size.. two if one of those tiny ones.

If someone isn't even wearing a costume, do you still give them candy?
Could you do that? Say no because you're not anything? Ahaha sounds harsh.

Have you ever dressed as a character from a cartoon/movie?
I wanted to be Duela Dents. But otherwise nope.

What's the most expensive costume you've purchased?
I never really bought those costume set things.

Would you ever buy a used costume at a secondhand store?
Well this year I bought kiddy stuff from Value Village for my costume..

Popcorn balls: like 'em, or not?
Ahah no thanks.

Have you ever purchased a pumpkin-carving kit?
Yes! I want to carve but don't think I'll get to.

Have you ever carved anything unique into your pumpkin?
Nah, I'm not that pro. I wish!

Who is the best pumpkin-carver in your family?
Uhmm maybe my dad.

Is there anyone in your family that DOESN'T like Halloween?
Nah, I think all of us has not too much opinion on it. Oh except yelling people outside..

Has anyone ever smashed your pumpkins?
When Halloween was over.

Have you smashed anyone else's?
Same as above.

Did your school have any Halloween activities?
Pumpkin carving.. costume contest.. etc etc.

Did/do you participate in them?
Noo haha just watched.

Has a teacher ever admitted to giving homework JUST because it's Halloween?
Noo, that's cranky.

Do you watch any horror movies on Halloween night?
Hahah yes, maybe not this year but oh well.

What's the latest you've ever been out Trick-or-Treating?
10? Not sure.

If it's really cold, do you still go out?
Yess, as stupid as that is you HAVE to go out, I mean it's Halloween!

Do you keep your old costumes?
Noes lol. Whatawaste.

Have you ever been asked "What are you supposed to be?"
Yes, last year ahahha I wasn't even sure myself.

Does that ever annoy you, or do you mind explaining?
I don't mind. I didn't really have much to explain either hahah.

Have you ever dressed up as a ghost (white sheet with eyeholes)?
Welfare ghost! No hahah I need my sheetz.

Has anyone ever refused to give you candy because of your age?
Ouch that would be mega harsh.

Has anyone ever told you that you're too old to go out?

How have your Halloween traditions changed since childhood?
Yeah, I no longer trick or treat.. just hangout at house.. etc.

Do you save and eat the pumpkin seeds?
If we carve, yes.

How long do your decorations stay up after Halloween?
Maybe till like November 3rd? Dunno.

Is this your favorite holiday? If so, why/why not?
Nah, it's not that eventful ahah, I'd much preffer christmas :]

Do you share your candy with others, or keep it for yourself?

How early do you buy your pumpkins?
If I ever do, about few days early? They go reaally bad.

Are there any superstitious beliefs that you have?
Night of the living dead. No, I don't know.

Has anyone ever played a prank on you?
Nope. If they did they would probaply be making the other people in my apartment mad too.

Did you get this person back?
N/A. But if someone ever did oh I will, sonn.

As a kid, was your bag ever snatched?
Aw no, that would be SAD.

Has it ever rained or snowed on Halloween?
Rained maybe.. snowed never.

Did you still go out, or did you decide to stay home?
I think I stayed home.

Do you ever coordinate costumes with friends?
Haha yes, fun times.

Have you ever bobbed for apples?
Once in America. It was.. interesting and I didn't really get the point of it lol.

What is your favorite thing to do on Halloween?
Just chillax. :] Dress up!

Have you ever had soda out of a couldron with dry ice in it?
Uhh noes.

When (if) you decorate, do you go all-out?

Or do you have just a few decorations?
Just one or two.

Have you ever been sick on Halloween?
Noope. Maybe after from the candies though hahah.

Have you ever switched costumes, and gone back to the same houses?
LOL wow must be SO desperate!

Do you plan your costume, or get one last minute?
Plan it out but change my mind about 5 times at least.

What would you consider to be your worst costume choice? Why?
Cliche stuff like Witch. Ghost. Etc.

Do you watch Halloween-themed shows on television?

Do you go out alone, or with friends/family?
Friends. Do people go out on Halloween alone..?

Have you ever had to take your younger sibling Trick-or-Treating?
I'm an only child, luckily for that part.

Has an older sibling ever had to take you?
See above.

Do you remember the first year you went without your parents?
Uhmm I think it was... grade 5? With friends parents HA.

Do you know anyone that doesn't celebrate Halloween?
I don't really.. this year yes but last year semi and the year before nothing.

What's the funniest costume you've seen?
A half born fetus with literally attached womb. SCARY.

Do you have a Halloween/costume shop in your city/town?
Nope, bummer. The dollar store and Shoppers are the only thing that might be clsoe to it.

Have you ever played around with fake blood?
Nope. Would get messeh haha.

Do you use the face-paint that comes with some costumes?
I did once.. but not lately, it seems quite.. bad for teh skin.

Or do you use your own make up?
Own now.

Have you ever purchased one of those expensive masks from Spencer's?
No? They must be neat..

How many houses do you go to each year?
Well last year 1, year before 0, year before tht like 3 hahah.

Do you stay within your own neighborhood?
Nah, my neighbour hood SUCKS.

Or do you drive to other parts of town?
Walk to other end.

Is traffic bad in your neighborhood on Halloween night?
Noo, no cars at all.

Do you go to any parties?
Get togethers maybe but no I'm not a partier.

Do you dress up when you go?
Yes. Or would.

Does your work (if you work) ever throw a small party?

Did you make Halloween art projects in school?
Uhmm elementary yes, highschool I don't think so hahah.

Is there a Halloween tradition you'll never be too old for?
Hanging out with friends. :]

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