
Ranting about August Rush

I just watched August Rush (yeah, late but oh well) and okay I've got a few things to say straightforwardly.

    1. The music is real great, hands down.
    2. Plot on the boy (Evan/August) is pretty good, orphan, homeless, etc. Hey, atleast it's half realistic.
    3. Plot on the parents, holy crap that was terrible. It's overly corny. Far too unrealisitic.
    4. I really liked the scene where the boy and the dad were jamming without knowing they're related and etc. Music good, story good.
    5. Just a bit too unrealistic about how the boy goes from homeless and all that stuff to a real famous success. I mean, the ambition of the music was great! But really I don't think it works like, street gigs to classical concert.
    6. The ending, oh god, that was terrible. Again, corny for the parents and augh that made me go wtf!

So overall I'd say this movie is kind of a movie that's got fantasy and reality twistedly tangled and kinda depends on how you see it, really. If you expect this to be a very realistic film, you'd be greatly dissapointed. (Me) But if you're looking for fairy-tale sort of stuff you'd probaply like this. Personally it was too disney-like for me. But hey the guitars, oh hands down, they were great. I'ma rate this 3/10. Trailer below.

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