
Salami Pasta; サラミとレタス(とブロッコリー)のパスタ

Wee I made pasta again. This time actual spaghetti. With Salami, lettus and brocolli =] Love for simplicity. (More like I just can't cook, but eh, oh well!) I know this time it didn't look fancy at all, since I did absolutely no decoration minus tomatoes but bare with me.

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Mmm pacman shaped brie cheese. カマンベールチーズは幼稚園の頃から大好物だったそうでスw

: : ingredients : :

・Salami, Lettus, Brocolli (Your choice in how much)
・Salt and Pepper
・Pasta, 100g per one serving.

・サラミ・レタス 好きなだけ

: : Recipe : :

・Start boiling pasta.
・Put some salad oil OR olive oil in frying pan. Put in cut salami.
・After a tad, put lettus. Stop before it goes too soft.
・Flavor with salt and pepper
・Add in cooked pasta, mix, serve =]


I got the recipe from a random blog. And as for the food, it was actually not too bad.

2 [comments]:

♥ carmennnnn said...

hey=) who are you? btw how did you get my blog url?

SaoriJade said...

Helloes, thx for tagging back =]
I'm uhh no one you know really lol.
I got your blog from surfing randoms.

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