
Just Talkin To Myeslf.

Gaaah, I doez nawt like whoz i amzzzz >=C

I just hate how 'If you need to change yourself to get someone to like you, don't even bother' doesn't apply to me. I try so hard to change myself. It just makes me feel pretty ashamed of who I am. I hate being not-the-very-feminine type. Sure I guess I'm organized and I can do some sewing and all that junk. [surprisingly] I'm sorry for being kind of a sexist but I wish I could cook and be more careful and more girlier. I barely understand most of girls! I just have this whole lame idea of playing guitar, liking horror movies, violence, and not suiting pink is just not girl material. I wonder if anyone will ever really accept me as who I am. Stupid comic books...girl who likes to beat someone up dating guy who likes world peace and french movies...hah, yeah right.. stupid xcdasdweczxc /mumbles to self

4 [comments]:

Anonymous said...

remember that whatever you like or want is who you are. Including the urging want to be girlier. If you want to, it certainly can't mean you're not. maybe you just cover it up? but then you're certainly not far from it because the farthest you can get from being girly is Not wanting to be girly. then you never will be.
although i'm going to have to say i really love the horror movie guitar sea as well. but sabrina loves you either way, yaay!

SaoriJade said...

hahaha it's just this whole... 'A girl in Japan should be capable of being a good house wife and should be able to do stuff around in the house' sexist shit. Aaah it's like we're in a pokemon battle and I'm losing to the damn thing aaah!

Anonymous said...

japan is sexist? : o GTFO.
(i've always wanted to use gtfo. )

SaoriJade said...

k, getting really confused lol if that was sabrina again..

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