
Happy May!

Fifth month of ze year 2oo8 means;

    *May Fair somewhere near
    *More intense packing
    *Lee's 15th birthday
    *Kaidy's 15th birthday
    *Four more monthes for my 16th
    *Bambi's 4th birthday
    *Baking month, because I said so
    *Sunnier weather =]
    *Mother's day, which isn't that huge a deal for me

That's about all I can think of. I currently really would like to buy two things, and it feels wierd and exciting cause I havn't really wanted to use my money for anything lately. I want to buy this pretty simply cute looking pencil case from over at the art store for $2.69 and Amytiville Horror on sale for $5.99. STFU I always go for cheap stuff. >=D One more thing... WEE reached 100 visitors. ^^ I...think you should comment if you're reading this. I DEMAND. Anywho Enjoy your May First, LOTS LOVE SEA!

'May' by Wispydivvy @ DeviantArt

1 [comments]:

Aurii said...

I read it, so I have to comment :P
'mothers day which isnt a huge deal for me'... Err...
Youre a meanie. =O

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