

S-I-S I-U-D, stay in school ‘cause it's the best♪ Peaches!

Educationwise, I think I'll do pretty good if I get used to this whole 'unschooling' bit. So technically i keep track of all the stuff I do and hours, and 75 hours equal to 0.5 credit and 150 hours equal to 1 credit. Seems so little! In total I need 19 credits to graduate. So far I have 3.5 credits. Hehe I feel kind of older now that I'm worrying about credits. Too bad I'm not in a public school anymore though. Anywho, how I count hours is like this (I'll use an example of today's time I've recorded):

Wednesday o4/16

  • English/Math: Worked on testing booklet 35mins

  • English: Finished "Amandine" by Adele Griffin, started writing assignment. 45 mins

  • Current World Problems: Researched and discussed about animal abuse and testing on Peta. 30 mins

  • Home ec: Worked on chain scarf. 50 mins

  • Art/Music: Drew two pictures. Played guitar reviewing "Romance De Amore" and "Maybe I'm Amazed" 60mins

I'll do me best! Thank god I'm over with learning stuff that I don't even know why we're learning it. (ei: the hard complecated math stuff. I mean I guess we should know it but really, I'm pretty sure I won't use it in future refference. Besides maybe counting up total amount while buying groceries and getting the right change.) Life is goooooooooood.

Found the pic on DeviantArt.
I wish I was a school girl!

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