
Supersonic Magnefique Sunshine

Yet still really really cold. Funny to think where I live is one of the warmest area in BC...jeez vancouver is freezing. The days are pretty long now though, it feels like 10 in the morning right now cause it's so bright out when really it's like...4:30pm. Man I can't wait till summer and it's warmth!

Went to my school today to get more signature from teachers for my withdrawal sheet. Ghaaad it's so hard to get ahold of teachers and when you do, they'll tell you to come back tomorrow.
So, it's taking me about a whole entire week to get about 9 signatures from teachers! Frustrating but eh, like I have anything else to do right =p Oh and this "hug an asian day" what's up with that =0 Dunno where it's from but uh I got hugs.

Anyways today I went out with a friend to the park and had sort of a picnic thing (is that how you spell picnic? Or is there a 'k' in there somewhere..) We drank iced tea, ate a chicken burger my mom makes (really good!) and she got an ice cream and I got a cheese stings from a coffee shop. So nice relaxing on the grass when it's super sunny. There were bearly any clouds too. Got some pictures, not that grate but oh well, feel free to check them out. (below) haha, I made one look like a star instead of an airplane cloud.

P3050039-1.jpg picture by seaorijade-

P3050029-1.jpg picture by seaorijade-

P3050040-1.jpg picture by seaorijade-


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