1. Who hás your heárt látely?
Oh someone. Pssshht..
2. When wás the lást time you went out?
Today; hung out with friends =)
3. Whát would you do if you found out your ex wás engáged?
Tell him congrats if he mentions it I guess?
4. The lást person you fought with?
Argued with mom haha.
5. Miss someone?
Yes. Alooooooooooooot.
6. Whát máde you smile todáy?
Friends, candy, bubbles, probaply almost everything.
7. Are you scáred to fáll in love?
No I don't think so. Never really thought about it though.
9. If you could live ánywhere in the world, where would it be?
In two places. Japan and Canada maybe? America?
10. What was your dream last night?
Uhmm I have no idea actually.
11. Whát were you doing this morning at 1 á.m.?
Talking to Sabrina and watching "Shouting Love At The Center Of The World" series.
12. Whát were you doing this morning át 4 á.m.?
Hopefully sleeping.
13. Náme á pláce you wánt to visit?
VIENNA. For suuuch a long time!
14. Lást phone cáll?
My mom. Dad.
15. Are you á type of person thát cán be trusted?
Probaply not task wise but I'll never spread word if you tell me not to.
16. Lást words you spoke?
I talk to myself lmfao.
17. Do you ever lie ábout your áge?
Haha I did once =P
18. Whát do you wánt to be when you're 20?
Nothing really. Free lance.
19. How mány things in the pást do you regret?
Plenty, but whatever.
20. Do you prefer to sleep álone or with someone?
With my doggies.
21. Whát is the lást movie you wátched?
"着信アリ"-aka One Missed Call original.
22. Do you like your life?
Yeah, it's all good.
23. Hás one of your friends ever stábbed you in the báck?
Yeah but whatever.
24. Did you forgive them?
One of them, for all the right reasons, no.
25. Have you ever skipped school?
26. Hás ányone ever cheáted on you?
Not that I know of.
27. Whát is your biggest feár?
Heights. The idea of being alone.
28. Háve you ever not been áble to get someone out of your heád?
Yeah haha.
29. Whát do you reálly wánt right now?
Inbox "(1)"
30. Whát áre you looking forwárd to át this point in time?
31. Wháts your fávorite food?
Thai cuisine.
32. Whát áre you listening to right now?
33. Whát's your pet peeve?
Oh god plenty.
34. When wás the lást time you got yelled át?
No idea.
35. Who do you text á lot?
More than calls.
36. Do you wánt to háve kids?
Eventually, two.
37. Who do you reálly wánt to see right now, thát you háven't seen in awhile?
Kyo. 恭ちゃんに会いたい。忘れないでほしいの。
38. Who can you tell everything to?
39. When was the lást time you were extremely pissed off?
Extremely...I don't know. I was ticked off today at some point. Something to do with facebook.
40. Do you like to cuddle?
Not really.
41. Whát wás the reáson you lást cried?
Sad movie.
42. Háve you ever cried over whát someone hás said to you?
Yes. Harsh deal man.
43. Wás your lást kiss á mistáke?
44. When wás the lást time you cried, reálly, reálly, hárd?
Couple of monthes ago.
45. Who hás sáved you the most?
...I havn't been saved.
46. When wás the lást time you hád butterflies?
Long time ago.
47. Last blonde moment?
Sometime today probaply bahha
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