
Can They Guess Your Crush??

Haahaha this seemed interesting to do. And I just wanted it to get it out. So wee.

guy or girl? guy
eye color? dark(?) brown
hair color? black
whats their style? uhmm plain. Simple. Idk.
taller or shorter than you? taller
older or younger than you? younger
how did you meet him/her? school

*~Have You Ever~*
kissed? them, no
hugged? i might have, i don't remember
more? no
really talked to him/her? yeah
if so, when was the last time? few days ago. two days ago.

Do you guys get along? yeyee
Do they have a boyfriend/girlfriend? not that i know of
Do they know you like him/her? nope
Do they like you? you tell me
Does he/she live near you? nah

*~Last But Not Least~*
Why do you like him/her? they seem interesting. muaha.

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